Code of Conduct

About Salford u3a

Salford u3a is made up of people who are no longer in full-time work or bringing up a family, coming together to make new friendships, share interests and learn for fun. Our strapline is learn, laugh, live.

Our interest groups work on the basis of sharing, participating and learning together.  Members draw on their lifetime of knowledge and experience to teach and learn from each other. Group members share responsibility for the running of their group. This spirit of co-operation creates a friendly and respectful atmosphere which enables everyone to participate. Each group has a convenor who has a co-ordinating role but is not the leader or teacher for the group: those tasks are shared between all members.

Code of Conduct for members

  • Sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic or otherwise offensive and inflammatory remarks and behaviour are not acceptable. These constitute harassment and have no place in Salford u3a.
  • If any member of Salford u3a feels they have been discriminated against by Salford u3a or harassed at any Salford u3a event, they should raise this with the Committee. The Committee will investigate the complaint, listening to all members involved. If the complaint is against a committee member, that member will not be part of conducting the investigation.
  • If the complaint is against a particular individual, this person will have the opportunity to express their point of view, accompanied by a friend. The person making the complaint will also have this opportunity.
  • If the complaint is against Salford u3a as a whole, the Committee must work to ensure that such a breach of the Code is not repeated in the future and must inform the members of how they propose to do this.
  • Any decision to exclude a person from the organisation due to discriminatory or harassing behaviour will be made with reference to Salford u3a’s constitution/rules. Salford u3a will support people who feel they have been harassed or discriminated against and will not victimise or treat them less well because they have raised this.

This policy, based on guidance from the Third Age Trust, was adopted at a Committee Meeting of Salford u3a in June 2021.