
Our aim is to enjoy the spoken words of poetry old and new which members bring along when we meet. Typically, we each introduce a small number of prepared poems, then read them and invite comment. We move from simply our favourite poems to themes, poets and periods, dependent on interest.

You do not need to be a ‘buff’, a simple pleasure in the spoken word is enough. People tend to come along with their contribution and leave with a rich diversity of word and experience; the nature of communal sharing of language.

Convenor: Alan Corbett

To contact Alan, please email salfordu3a@gmail.com marking the subject line of your email ‘FAO: Alan Corbett’.

Please feel free to contact Alan if you would like to know more about the group. We always give a warm welcome to new members.

Our programme for the first half of the year will cover the following poets and themes:

9 FebThe Brownings, Robert and Elizabeth
8 MarMen & Women
12 AprJohn Donne
10 MayExploring the World
14 JunW B Yeats
12 July20th century poets

Venue:  We meet at Boothstown Community Centre. Parking is available behind the shopping precinct. There is disabled access and toilets.
Date/Time: Second Friday of the month, from 10am until 12 noon

There is a small charge (£3.00 per person) for each session to cover the cost of room hire.